Native Americans or simply Red Indians are among the most famous
native group of people still having their position of superiority in many
hearts of the people around the world.. I don’t think there are any human on
this earth who never heard about native Indians and their famous indigenous
knowledge about everything you can imagine.. This small post is about them, who
knew many things and the ones who showed their spirituality to the world.. Add
these things to your life and become superior like them..
Many people love mountains truly, But if you ask someone why is
that they 80% among them have no idea why do they love mountains.. There are
some mysterious thing in the mountains which cannot be explain so easily.. Mountains
possess special qualities which is magical but unlike others they are more
practical.. So this post is about those mountains, and why you should add
qualities of mountains to your Life..
There are still some god sends roam in this world, but ii believe
not as physical things but as qualities.. There are few kings in this criteria
of Qualities’.. I’m not intended to reveal whole lot of this list on this post,
But There’s a Real King among them called Discipline.. This king is responsible
for many good things in your Life.. So if you disciplined enough to read this
post please read further to reveal the true magic of The quality called discipline..
Elephant may be the largest land mammal, But whales exceed them
without a hitch by their enormous body size and many other unbelievable facts
and numbers.. By Making ocean as their home whales have gain enough space to
grow themselves and lots and lots of space to find their foods.. Fortunately
These Humble giants made their diet through filter feeding with krill, one of
the smallest living creatures in ocean deep.. Just imagine what if we were on
their menu or any other creatures were on it.. Then definitely ocean will not
be a friendly place for us.. Just thank them, they are the humble giants, Giants
who never harmed us intentionally.. So this post will be tribute to them, to
the ones who keep our oceans Alive in our Time..
By Covering an
staggering amount of 71% of earth surface ocean is not a place to play with.. Its
size and magnificent phenomenon’s controls the weather patterns to volcanic eruptions
on earth surface.. But these scientific facts are not the things which I intend
to discuss today.. In this mystical waters sailors are the human heroes.. These
sailors at least once in their Lifetime have seen some mystical things in ocean,
which is completely unexplainable.. So this post is about them.. Let’s inject
some horror in to your Nerves.. Not with a fictional horror movie, But from a very
real place where you go for weekend with your kids tomorrow..
You may ask from me, “What are you posting dude.. They are villains,
why do you use your blog to praise the villains.. ”But I must say my friends
this blog is a very unique one.. It draws out every single thing which can be
beneficial for the Life of my readers.. Suicide squad is a fantasy movie which
release in 2016, and one of the best movie which kept the fans nervously
waiting until it releases.. So the villains on this movie are best ones among
villains, you cannot reach top if you don’t possess special qualities that others
don’t have.. So these are facts I found by “Hacking” into their souls.. Read
and Enjoy, and add them to your Life..
I Found this very interesting stories from a piece of paper my
friend handed over to me.. They are unbeleivably simple, but it consist every
moral teaching a Grown man must know and follow.. So here I publish it for
You.. Keep reading fellow students..