Gadget Reviews

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Do You Know The Real Power Of Disciplines?

There are still some god sends roam in this world, but ii believe not as physical things but as qualities.. There are few kings in this criteria of Qualities’.. I’m not intended to reveal whole lot of this list on this post, But There’s a Real King among them called Discipline.. This king is responsible for many good things in your Life.. So if you disciplined enough to read this post please read further to reveal the true magic of The quality called discipline..

·   Disciplined will make you Immortal..

Immortality, A thing human seek from the beginning of time.. Some planned expeditions to find holy grail to make themselves immortal.. Some lost their sanity by trying to find Buddha’s bowl to acquire immortality.. Immortality is not an physical thing you can trigger by drinking some holy water.. It is mind state which prevail its existence in one’s mind.. If someone are able to remain in everyone’s mind even after its death according to me they are the immortal ones.. If you are not a great man disciplines will make you immortal.. Because everyone is not blessed with greatness.. So be a disciplined man.. Be polite and kind.. Everyone will remember you even after your death.. Then you are among the immortals who live in the hall of fame..

·  Disciplines will Make you a Moon among stars..

People Love Disciplined Man, They Really Do.. I know people who struggle in their whole Life to receive just a lovely word from their child, and a lovely glance from their companion.. they spend lots of money for them..  They provide lots and lots for them.. But they don’t have disciplines.. They are Like Animals.. The main thought that inherits in their mind is “I provide everything for you.. You must Respect me even when I’m not doing it for you.”, But Human mind does not work like that.. You will receive anything only if you give away what you has.. So make yourself disciplined, kiss your Childs head and tell them some story of your day today works.. Touch your wife buttock politely and tell her how much you love her.. These are disciplines a real man should possess.. Then you will become a shining Moon, Something human struggle to acquire in their whole Life..
·  Disciplines will make you a Rare breed one..

Rare breed is not something only for dogs and horses.. If Animal can have the honor of rare breed why humans cannot have it.. You can ultimately have it with a simple trick.. Just be disciplined, and be kind to everyone you meet.. Everyone in this world has their own war.. A war they must fight alone.. Realize this fact and you will begin to treat everyone nicely, but intelligently.. There are many in this world who are not disciplined.. They are popular breed, they don’t respect to anyone and ultimately try to prove they are the kings by doing this polite people doesn’t do.. But I clearly say no.. Disciplined ones are the Rare Breed, They are the Best and Honorable among all them.. Others are only byproducts..

·  Discipline is like Fire. It will Burn even your internals if you did not control it..

Fire is a good slave, But a Bad Master if you allow it to master itself.. Just like the Fire discipline can burn yourself if you allow it to work freely.. How can it be, you may be curious.. Let me tell you.. There are plenty of disciplined man in this world who regret about the mistakes they made, in the places where a real decision is required.. They did not made that decision because their mind is ruled by disciplines, not by the intelligence.. So they burn in their whole Life.. There are some places in this world you have to show your wild side just to survive, so act wisely..

 Finally you may ask me.. “So what are Disciplines?”

 Let me summarize it to this simple point.. And this is all you need at the End..

 Discipline Is The State of Mind, Which React To Nothing when You Know You Can Do Anything..

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