You bring Lamb brains from grocery for your favorite curry, as you take them out to cleaning, here in front of you.. a brain of an animal you will say.. but I say no its not, there is whole lamb in front of you.. that pink, mushy piece of flesh contains all of its memories, expectations, his mother’s love, his favorite places.. if you connect it to a machine someday that recall brain activities you can see the way that little sheep ran, everything that it saw from it eyes, the way it drank its mothers milk, the way he lives.. it all stored in there, that piece of meat..
Brain is the most powerful weapon you got.. it will store,
it will analyze, it will regulate your flow.. it will make you or a genius or a
fool.. brain can do it without your permission even.. that’s the most dangerous
thing about brain.. “ it can neglect your commands and do whatever it wants..”
Doubt me? Just keep read on..
I want you to do something, I think we all have ex love..
for this instance just recall his name in your brain.. what happen, you saw
everything you done with him.. every memories you have done together.. every
single piece of shit (we call them now..), now let’s do something together..
tell yourself, stop thinking about him or her now, just stop now.. ok, we
commanded it.. but does it have done what you commanded?
Absolutely not, Brain just keep you remind those time.. that is
why you crying, that is why you became alcoholic, that is why you break up with
your true love, that is why you made your parents sad, that is why you cut our
self, that is why you attempt to suicide..
But, fear not my loved ones.. life has put you into great
troubles.. from now on from these
lessons let’s make your life more soothing and relaxing ones.. let’s take administrative rights of brain to our hands, lets tame your brain.. and let’s
do necessary modifications for your life, stay with me.. next post will tell
you the simplest way to tame your brain..
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