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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

03 Secret Magics We can Learn From Ancient Egypt..

As a marvelous civilization still amaze the world with their gigantic and mesmerizing cultural withstand, Egyptian civilizations is one fine example how much Humans can do in their Lifetime.. With their great artifacts and beliefs they made fine fact that time should not be a physical barrier for the who that acquire the great things in their Life.. so this post is about the things which I learnt from Egypt, and it is my duty to present these facts to your edification with humble respect for ancient Egyptians,who did things beyond their time..

They Always thought Far beyond their Time..

Egyptians did this very well, their pyramids and temples are built by them (with or without the help of someone we still did not recognized) with a scale and precision that still cannot be imitate by modern science equipment.. these constructions not only gigantic, but they made some items in them which is exactly similar or way beyond the items we use now in our houses like doors, ceilings etc.. They thought beyond their time.. Many of this ancient egypyian constructions consist with traps to disturb or destroy the people who come with an intensions of Looting.. They made those because they saw many years ahead, years to come after their civilization ruined where humanity falls on its knees.. Don’t you agree with me?

They believed in something very much..

In our time Belief is the thing which we mostly question..  We question about religion, existence, extinction, humanity and many other.. We question everything endlessly and lose the hope and belief about it.. Egyptians believed about the Life after death, to help their leaders for the journey towards the heavens they build pyramids.. Fair enough reason, but we don’t believe it in either.. Some people does not even believe in themselves.. If you don’t believe in yourself it is the time that your decaying begins.. Egyptians believed in after life very much and they built one of the greatest constructions of the ancient world.. I’m pretty sure if they didn’t believe what their culture taught them there would be no pyramids in Egyptian plain.. Just a huge piles of sand and lonely Nile..

They get help to acquire what they need (By any method)..

It’s a fascinating and mind blowing theory among us that Egyptians got help from extraterrestrial to build the pyramids.. so this is not a post to criticize or discuss about these facts abd theories.. Because I’m not fit enough person to argue with the professionals about this matter.. It is up to professionals to determine the theory of these, we just have to get the life lessons from them.. Aliens helped them or not, as humans they have done great things.. but if they did receive the help from aliens and space ships they did a marvelous job.. When in the subject of Egyptian civilization. There are some facts that we cant clearly believe humans did it.. Like the construction of Giza pyramid.. it is a one way that people use to describe about alien involvement in Egypt.. But one way or another if they got help, they have used it to be the greatest.. by that way I think they are much cleverer than Aliens..

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