01. 25% will change their life before they stop the
Yup, you may not believe this.. but what do
I gain by telling you lies. This can be defined in many ways.. but I have
observed minor to major differences among the persons who undergo this test
with themselves. Ones who did not laugh for any reasons had laughed after this,
the ones who kept interrupting their works without completion had completed
this exercise without any delay, some smiled with great satisfaction. Magic
lies with this, trust me..
02. Most of them feel headache or pain in their
forehead while writing.
If you are a student or a employee you will
probably had experienced this. When you learn something you don’t like you feel
this headache. When you do something in office you don’t admire, you feel this
pain in forehead.. this is the heat generated by your internal resistance, it
strikes you every time you do something you don’t like, so what’s the point,
you have done something your brain does not like.. it will change it, enjoy the
pain my friends, enjoy the pain..
3. 03. 4 out of 10 will cry, internally or externally.
Let me solve this for you, if you
are a parent the tears come out of your child’s eyes when he or she got wounded
is crying externally. The pain you get inside your heart after seen his tears
is crying internally. 4 out of 10 who faced this quest had cried, either one of
this method. Trust me, I have cried too when I completed my list.
4 04. 50% will not write beyond 10 points.
Everyone does not have guts to
change their life or their mind, I have fully realized it after observations.
Many people does not write beyond 10 points. Either they will get lazy or they
begin to hate themselves. Both of these will harm yourself, so don’t be lazy to
change yourself. Don’t hate yourself, may already hate you.. don’t be one of
5. 05. Most of them feel so satisfied after the
completion of the List.
I saw their smiles after this
exercise, so write down your list.. the feel the satisfaction, if you not
satisfied you can return to your previous life without any loss.. but if you
are satisfactory, just make some parking space in your yard for your future Lamborghini..
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